College of Economics and Management








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[1] 國家自然科學基金青年項目(72403159),信息學習視角下企業綠色投資的同群效應及演化機制研究,2025.01-2027.12,在研

[2] 上海市哲學社會科學規劃課題(2022ZGL006),上海面向“雙循環”格局的創新策源能力提升路徑及對策研究,2023.01-2024.12,在研

[3] 中核電(廈門)企業管理咨詢有限公司課題(H2022-064),數字化轉型下的管理體制機制研究,2022.06-2022.11,結題

[4] 中國科協高端科技創新智庫青年項目(2021ZZZLFZB1207141),中國電力技術創新、擴散與碳生産率提升,2022.1-2022.12,結題

[5] 中國科協高端科技創新智庫青年項目(CXY-ZKQN-2019-013),基于政策實驗法的中國創新政策效應評估,2020.1-2020.12,結題

[6] 一帶一路暨金磚國家技能發展與技術創新大賽優秀指導教師,金獎2022.


[1] Pan Xianyou, Mangla, Sachin Kumar, Song Malin, Vrontis, Demetris. 2024. Climate Policy Uncertainty and Entrepreneur Eco-Investment Behavior for Green Growth-Moderate Effect Analysis of Twin Transition[J]. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 71:8459-8468.SCIE&SSCIJCR Q1,第八屆全國青年能源環境政策與管理學術會議的優秀論文)

[2] Xie Pinjie, Shu Yalin, Sun Feihu, Pan Xianyou (Corresponding author). 2024. Enhancing the accuracy of China's electricity consumption forecasting through economic cycle division: An MSAR-OPLS scenario analysis[J]. Energy, 293:130618.SCIEJCR Q1

[3] Pan Xianyou, Shen Zhiyang, Song Malin, Shu Yalin. 2023. Enhancing green technology innovation through enterprise environmental governance: A life cycle perspective with moderator analysis of dynamic innovation capability[J]. Energy Policy, 182:113773.SCIE&SSCIJCR Q1

[4] Pan Xianyou, Yuan Ge, Wu Xianhua, Xie Pinjie. 2023. The effects of government subsidies on the economic profits of hydrogen energy enterprises-An analysis based on A-share listed enterprises in China[J]. Renewable Energy, 211:445-451.SCIEJCR Q1

[5]潘仙友,郭敏,董倩,潘雄鋒. 基于新功能主義的政府R&D經費投入空間溢出效應研究[J]. 科技管理研究20234308):10-20.CSSCI

[6] Pan Xiongfeng, Guo Shucen, Xu Haitao, Tian Mengyuan, Pan Xianyou (Corresponding author), Chu Junhui. 2022. China’s carbon intensity factor decomposition and carbon emission decoupling analysis[J]. Energy, 239:122175.SCIEJCR Q1

[7] Pan Xianyou, Song Malin, Wang Yuqing, Shen Zhiyang, Song Jinbo, Xie Pinjie, Pan Xiongfeng. 2022. Liability accounting of natural resource assets from the perspective of input Slack-An analysis based on the energy resource in 282 prefecture-level cities in China[J]. Resources Policy,SSCIJCR Q1

[8] Pan Xianyou, Pan Xiongfeng, Wu, Xianhua. Jiang Li, Guo Shucen, Feng Xuehao. 2021. Research on the heterogeneous impact of carbon emission reduction policy on R&D investment intensity: From the perspective of enterprise’s ownership structure[J]. Journal of Cleaner Production, 328:129532SCIEJCR Q1

[9] Pan Xiongfeng, Pan Xianyou, Song Malin. Ai Bowei, Ming Yang. 2020. Blockchain technology and enterprise operational capabilities: An empirical test[J]. International Journal of Information Management, 2020,52.SSCIJCR Q1Highly Cited Papers

[10] Pan Xiongfeng, Pan Xianyou, Song Malin. Guo Ranran. 2019. The influence of green supply chain management on manufacturing enterprise performance: moderating effect of collaborative communication[J]. Production Planning & Control, 31(2-3):245 -258.SCIEJCR Q1

