College of Economics and Management



















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[1]  中國國際金融股份有限公司委托咨詢項目,202222788,基于新制度經濟學的煤與電矛盾分析,2022-10 2023-0110萬,結題,主持

[2]  國家自然科學基金,青年科學基金項目,72103128,綠色低碳發展中能源轉型的路徑匹配選擇機制:産業激勵的視角,2022-012024-1230萬元,在研,主持

[3]  上海市“科技創新行動計劃”軟科學研究領域,重點項目,21692109400,“新基建”與“産業數字化”框架下長三角電力行業“多站融合”的業務場景匹配策略與可行性評估,2021-052022-0410萬元,已結題,主持

[4]  國家電網公司科學技術項目,一般項目,1400-202057226A-0-0-00,基于價值網絡理論的多站融合業務場景規劃與業務體系架構研究,2020-012021-1255萬元,已結題,主持

[5]  上海市“科技創新行動計劃”軟科學研究領域,重點項目,19692106400,長三角電力創新的新動能驅動型結構性轉型潛力評估,2019-092020-048萬元,已結題,主持

[6]  上海市哲學社會科學規劃,青年課題,2018EJL001,轉型期發電産業發展有序性的測評機制及治理對策研究,2019-012021-126萬元,已結題,主持

[7]  上海高校青年教師培養資助項目,青年課題,ZZsdl18007,“新時代”長三角區域“電力創新”模式構建及有序發展研究,2018-012020-125.5萬元,已結題,主持





[1]   Hongyuan Zhao, Pingkuo Liu*, Jianchao Hou. Model building of urban energy system and effect analysis of green low-carbon transition under the background of carbon peaking and carbon neutrality[J]. Engineering Reports, 2023(5): e12698.檢索)

[2]    Pingkuo Liu*, Ruiqi Zhao, Xue Han. Assessing the efficiency and the justice of energy transformation for the United States of America, China, and the European Union [J]. Sustainable Development, 2023(5): 1-21.檢索1區、SCI檢索2區)

[3]   Zhang Shuyi, Liu Pingkuo*, Zhang Chen, Shi Quansheng. Smart power consumption in energy digital economy: A perspective of the value co-creation mechanism [J]. Frontiers in Energy Research. 2023(1), 10: 904260.https://doi: 10.3389/fenrg.2022.904260.SCI檢索4區)

[4]  劉平闊*, 劉琪琪, 冷雅彬. 中國電力可持續轉型的效率與潛力是多少?省級數據的實證分析[J]. 運籌與管理. 2022, 31(7): 167-172. (自然基金委管理學部A類期刊、CSSCI來源期刊)

[5]    劉平闊*, 盧存禹. 中國能源轉型路徑選擇的影響因素:理論檢驗與實證分析[J]. 中國軟科學. 2022(6): 51-61. (自然基金委管理學部A類期刊、CSSCI來源期刊)

[6]    劉平闊*, 盧存禹. 基于電力産業創新網絡的能源轉型路徑依賴與突破[J]. bevictor伟德官网學報. 2022,38(02): 119-127+143. (普通期刊)

[7]    Weiwei Cui, Pingkuo Liu*. Operation Risk Structural Analysis and Evaluation System Construction for Multistation Integration Project[J]. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2022(2): 1126261. SCI檢索4區)

[8]    Liu Pingkuo*, Han Xue. Comparative analysis on similarities and differences of hydrogen energy development in the World's top 4 largest economies: A novel framework[J]. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2022, 47(2): 9485-9503.SCI檢索2區,ESI高被引/熱點論文)

[9]  Pingkuo Liu*, Zhaohui Hei. Strategic analysis and framework design on international cooperation for energy transition: A perspective from China[J]. Energy Reports, 2022 (8): 2601-2616.SCI檢索2區)

[10]  Jinhua Jian, Pingkuo Liu*, Jianchao Hou. The spatial diffusion of “multi-station integration” and sustainable development: From the perspective of eight economic zones in China[J]. Engineering Reports, 2022(2): e12498. https://doi: 10.1002/eng2.12498.ESCI/ EI檢索)

[11]  Pingkuo Liu*, Cunyu Lu, Ruiqi Zhao. Research on the Orderliness Synergy Between Conventional and Nonconventional for Energy Transition in China[J]. Frontiers in Energy Research, 2022(9): 740088. https://doi: 10.3389/fenrg.2021.740088.SCI檢索3區)

[12]  Liu Pingkuo*, Peng Huan. What drives the green and low-carbon energy transition in China?: An empirical analysis based on a novel framework[J]. Energy, 2022(239): 122450.SCI檢索1/EI檢索)

[13]  劉平闊*, 盧存禹, 黑朝晖. 轉型期内中國能源産業如何升級?:基于面闆數據的實證研究[J]. 技術經濟, 2021, 40(11): 94-111.CSSCI檢索)

[14]  Liu Pingkuo*, Gao Pengbo, Zhang Chen. How to Promote Energy Transition With Market Design: A Review on China’s Electric Power Sector[J]. Frontiers in Energy Research, 2021(9): 709272. https://doi: 10.3389/fenrg.2021.709272.SCI檢索3區)

[15]  劉琪琪, 劉平闊*, 孫轶恺, 張晨. 基于随機森林的多站融合項目優先業務篩選機制[J]. 智慧電力, 2021, 49(6): 32-39.(核心期刊)

[16]  Pingkuo Liu*, Cunyu Lu. Strategic analysis and development plan design on digital transformation in the energy industry: A global perspective[J]. International Journal of Energy Research, 2021, 45(14): 19657-19670.檢索2區)

[17]  Pingkuo Liu*, Pengbo Gao, Penghao Chu. How to evaluate the feasibility on renewables’ sharing economy in China: A case study of Uber-like mode plus wind[J]. Renewable Energy, 2021, 5 (169): 80-94.SCI檢索1/EI檢索)

[18]Liu Pingkuo*, Gao Pengbo, Liu Qiqi. External orderliness-synergy of electric power industry in Yangtze River Delta during energy transition period[J]. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2020, 280: 124381. SCI檢索1/SSCI檢索)

[19]  Liu Pingkuo*, Peng Huan, Wang Zhiwei. Orderly-synergistic development of power generation industry: A China’s case study based on evolutionary game model[J]. Energy, 2020, 211(11): 118632. SCI檢索1區)

[20]  Hou Jianchao, Zhang Ruoyu, Liu Pingkuo*, Zhou Lyuyang. A review and comparative analysis on energy transition in major industrialized countries[J]. International Journal of Energy Research, 2020(7):1–23.檢索2/SSCI檢索)

[21]  劉平闊*, 彭歡, 駱賽. 中國能源轉型驅動力的結構性特征研究[J]. 中國人口資源與環境, 2019, 29(12): 45-56. (自然基金委管理學部B類期刊、CSSCI來源期刊)

[22]  劉平闊*, 彭歡. 我國發電産業有序發展的激勵相容性研究[J]. 上海電力學院學報, 2019, 2019, 37(6): 587-596. (普通期刊)

[23]   劉平闊*, 孫飛虎, 謝品傑. 基于電源結構與城市化水平的電力産業有序發展研究[J]. 智慧電力, 2019, 47(10): 63-69. (中文核心期刊)

[24]    劉平闊*; 王志偉. 中國“能源轉型”是否合理?——能源替代-互補關系的實證研究[J]. 中國軟科學, 2019(8): 14-30.(自然基金委管理學部A類期刊、CSSCI來源期刊)

[25]   Liu Pingkuo*, Gao Yi. Graphene's potential in the future industrial development of China[J]. Resources Policy. 2019, 61: 118-127.SCI檢索2/SSCI期刊)

[26]   CHU Penghao, LIU Pingkuo#*, Pan Hua. Prospects of Hydropower Industry in the Yangtze River Basin: China's Green Energy Choice[J]. Renewable Energy, 2019 (131): 1168-1185. SCI檢索2/SSCI期刊)

[27]  LIU Pingkuo*, CHU Penghao. Renewables finance & investment: how to improve industry with private capital in China[J]. Journal of Modern Power System and Clean Energy, 2019, 7(6):1385–1398. SCI檢索3區)

[28]  Pingkuo Liu*, Penghao Chu, Jianchao Hou. Accommodation issue of nuclear power in China: Status quo, barriers and solution[J]. Energy Strategy Reviews, 2018 (22): 166–178. SCI檢索2/SSCI期刊)

[29]  劉平闊*; 王綿斌; 陳斌. 中國發電産業發展有序性:基于省際布局和産業組織的實證研究[J]. 系統工程理論與實踐. 2018, 38(6): 1445-1464. EI檢索、自然基金委管理學部A類期刊、CSSCI來源期刊)

[30]    Bin Ma, Pingkuo Liu#*, Dongxiao Niu. Assessment of power industry development in China: Possibilities and challenges[J]. Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy, 2018, 10(4), 045903; DOI: SCI檢索4區)

[31]  Pingkuo Liu*, Penghao Chu. Wind power and photovoltaic power: How to improve the accommodation capability of renewable electricity generation in China?[J]. International Journal of Energy Research, 2018(2): 1-24. DOI: SCI檢索2區)

[32]   劉平闊*; 譚忠富. 如何實現煤電交易穩定匹配和規模聯動[J]. 中國管理科學. 2017, 25(1): 116-126. (自然基金委管理學部A類期刊、CSSCI來源期刊)

[33]    LIU Pingkuo*, TAN Zhongfu. How to develop distributed generation in China: in the context of the reformation of electric power system [J]. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2016, 66: 10-26. SCI檢索1區)

[34]    Zhongfu Tan, Ge Pan, Pingkuo Liu*. Focus on the Development of Natural Gas Hydrate in China [J]. Sustainability. 2016, 8(6), 520; DOI: http://

[35]   劉平闊*; 譚忠富. 中國煤電能源供應鍊碳管理戰略分析及協同機制[J]. 陝西電力. 2016. 44(6): 22-28.


(1)譚忠富, 劉平闊, 劉文彥. 煤電能源供應鍊風險遞展動因分析及風險控制模拟模型研究, 科學出版社, 409千字, 20176)。

(2)劉平闊, 侯建朝, 謝品傑.能源管理學,上海财經大學出版社, 410千字, 20198)。


(1)劉平闊,盧存禹.  B8.高質量推動中國林草國際合作與交流研究[R]. 生态林業藍皮書中國特色生态文明建設與林業發展報告(2020~2021[M]. 王浩,李群,2021,社會科學文獻出版社(“十三五”國家重點圖書出版規劃項目;中國特色生态文明智庫2021年度成果)。

(2)劉平闊,盧存禹.“拉閘限電”究竟是“故意為之”還是“不得不”?——針對電力短缺事件原因及影響分析的咨詢建議(應重視解決今冬明春“電荒”的深層次問題)[Z]. 上海市教衛工作黨委收錄,2022-03-09

(3)劉平闊,韓雪,趙瑞琦. 數字能源推進實現“雙碳”目标的措施[R]. 中國生态智庫,《資政建言》No.152023-05-05,生态中國網:

(4)劉平闊,趙瑞琦. 利用儲能系統推進智慧城市發展[J]. 社會科學報,第4版(國内信息):2023.5.18


(1)國網能源研究院有限公司,bevictor伟德官网. 多站融合項目的綜合效益計算軟件V1.0[CP/CD]. 著作權登記号:2022SR0225479. 證書号:軟著登字第9179673. 日期:20220214.

(2)國網能源研究院有限公司,bevictor伟德官网,國網浙江省電力有限公司經濟技術研究院.多站融合項目優先業務篩選計算程序V1.0[CP/CD]. 著作權登記号:2022SR0389287. 證書号:軟著登字第9343486. 日期:20220324.

(3)國網能源研究院有限公司,bevictor伟德官网,國網浙江省電力有限公司經濟技術研究院.多站融合背景下的業務可拓展空間預測程序V1.0[CP/CD]. 著作權登記号:2022SR0389232. 證書号:軟著登字第9343431. 日期:20220324.






[1]  Pingkuo Liu*, Pengbo Gao, Yufeng Chai, Chen Zhang. Research on Energy Internet Based on Lotka-Volterra Model[A]. AEIC. 2021 3rd International Academic Exchange Conference on Science and Technology Innovation (IAECST 2021)[C]. Guangdong Province, China: Academic Exchange Information Centre. 2022(1): 1595-1601.EI國際會議)

[2]  Jianchao Hou, Jinhua Jian, Pingkuo Liu*. A Review and Comparative Analysis on Energy Transition in China’s Three Emerging Urban Agglomerations[A]. E3S Web Conf., 228 (2021) 01004. 2020 International Conference on Climate Change, Green Energy and Environmental Sustainability (CCGEES 2020)[C]. Hainan Province, China: Academic Exchange Information Centre. 2021,國際會議)

